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Chapter five – We’re all part of a team

Elizabeth Wakefield woke up with a groggy start, as she recalled the events of the day before. Today was Thursday. Did I really try out for the cheerleading squad? Elizabeth thought with a jolt, remembering how confident she acted. Okay, so I did. Hmm, and so did Alanna. Oh yeah, and not to forget that confrontational with Conner. Just then she remembered the way she had stood up to him. That actually felt good, although there was this pit in her stomach, that felt bad about it. But he deserved it, Elizabeth thought, flopping back onto her pillow. Just then Jessica strolled on into her room without knocking, and plonked herself on the bed. “Today is the day, that Coach Laufeld will choose who goes on the cheerleading squad.” Jessica said her face glowing. Her twin looked so proud. “Yeah, can’t wait.” Elizabeth muttered. Jessica looked confused for a second. “What’s the matter Liz, having second thoughts?”, Jessica asked her face creasing with concern. “No, no no, that’s not it Jess, I never told you, but I had a confrontation with Conner yesterday, and I told him off about the whole Tia/Maria thing.” Jessica sat there a moment. “Is that all? It’s not cheerleading? You go girl, you go kick his butt.” Jessica rambled on. “Anyway, I have to go to school early and make some spirit posters. So I’ll see you there.” Jessica said, strolling out of Elizabeth’s room. Oh yes, school, Elizabeth thought, dragging herself out of bed. To see all the people she knew, especially Conner, who would probably find a way to mock and ridicule her. Oh well, if I can keep the tough act up, then he will learn what mocking and ridiculing feels like, Elizabeth thought. This was nothing like her, but she would not cave in, and let him win, with all his lies.

Conner McDermott stared at the SVH sign at the front of the school. He didn’t want to go in there. Jus the thought of seeing her, looking like she did yesterday. It was all too scary. Like Elizabeth had transformed herself or something. Just then he saw Tia and Andy in the corridor. “Hey guys, how is it going?” “Wow, a full sentence from Conner,” Tia giggled. Andy was looking for someone. “Where’s your second half man?” he said smirking. “She’s elsewhere.” Conner said frustrated at Andy’s response. “Anyway, catch you guys later.” Conner said. Tia’s eyes went wide. “Conner, we were kidding” Tia said. “I know, I just have other things to do.” Conner said, even though it was a total lie.

Alanna Feldman hadn’t seen Conner all day. Where could he be, she wondered, glancing the corridors. All she spotted was that Melissa girl, with Gina. Those two were walking toward her, she realised. What could they want?

Melissa glanced at the new girl. “Hey, you were pretty good out there.” Melissa didn’t give out compliments for free, there was always an ulterior motive. “Thanks”, Alanna said. “So yeah, we’ll be seeing you on on the squad, you are so obviously the best at it.” Melissa said glancing over at Gina. Gina perked up. “The whole team spirit thing would be cool.” Melissa smiled. “We know that your name will be on that list tomorrow, along with someone else. That’s why we want to make that someone else suffer.” Gina said. Alanna backed up.

What were they saying? Sabotage? Alanna thought “Okay, we’re not talking about sabotage.” Melissa said. “Just a little competition.” Melissa said, as if reading Alanna’s thoughts. “We don’t know who’s in for sure yet, but we have a pretty good clue, with the people currently on the squad you know? Besides I never thought that Elizabeth Wakefield was your best friend?” Melissa said turning her nose up. Wow, that girl was sharp, Alanna thought, and so on to it, that it was scary. “Anyway, talk to you later.” Melissa said, as her and Gina started off down the hallway.

That had been too weird, Melissa Fox thought to herself. What if the girl went running to Conner. Word could get around quick. Unless he was totally over Elizabeth? Anyway, Melissa had bigger things to worry about. Her birthday was in two days, and her friends were AWOL. So maybe it was time for a little hide and go seek, she thought snidely, and time to escape Gina to find out. Gina was always around her. More than usual, Melissa thought glancing at her. Time to do some searching, but in the time being, Melissa would have to think of a plan, to make sure that Elizabeth Wakefield hated the cheerleading squad. That shouldn’t be too hard Melissa thought smugly, as she strolled into class.

Journal Entries

Alanna Feldman
Melissa Fox is capable of so much. She has the utmost power at school, yet, what is she planning? Anything to put Elizabeth Wakefield in her place would be good.

Elizabeth Wakefield
Ugh, Alanna was wearing the ugliest skirt today. Ok? So it wasn’t that bad. And I didn’t see Conner all day. Anyway, when I am on that squad, I will show her, that I fight till the end. Besides, she probably won’t make the squad anyway.