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Thanks heaps!

Online diary


I have so many people to thank. These are in no particular order. You are all important, and I am so grateful to you.

Ally - Hey Ally. I just want to thank you for being a cool person, and putting up with my many moods, nutty or whatever you call it, when something wasn't going right on the site. And for also, seeing if things worked and were in order, and for keeping me sane. :p

Jen - Thanks so much for your help through everything Jen. Helping me understand html a bit better, and for always making me smile. =)

Nikki - Thanks for checking out my site, and telling me what needed fixing along with Ally.

Ken and Liss club - I want to thank all the members in this club, for joking with me, and just for being there. And helping me with html, especially Kayley. You guys rock!

Heather - For talking to me, and keeping me informed.

Lydia - For being Grape Fanta crazy with me, and helping me with links and stuff like that.

Janneke - You are such a cool person, with a cool site, and you are such a great help, when I need my uh..many questions answered. Plus I love having a personal site with you. Rockalicious dudette!!

Katie - Thanks Katie for talking to me, and supporting me with everything. Yeah, thanks!! Plus you are a cool webmistress on SV Got Blog as well=:)

Nicole - Yes, Nicole, you are cool. I love talking to you. And I have never met anyone that anticipates me writing fan fic so much. Hehe, I better get back to that as well!!

Aira - Along with Katie and Nicole, you are absolutely cool with layouts and stuff, your site is awesome and so are you, and thanks for supporting me..=:)

Merryn - Hey Mezzy, you are cool to talk to, and explore graphics with, and just everything, you are totally awesome, and nice to boot. Thanks!!

Sandy - Thanks for talking to me, and showing me all your cool new layouts, they totally rock!!

Elle - You're a really sweet person, and I love your helpfulness and everything, plus the forms don't look geeky anymore, you rock with forms, and I just love to chat to you!

Erica - Someone the exact same age as me, yay! You are cool, and so down to earth, I love chatting to you too, and finding out all your latest projects.

Everyone at SV Got Blog - You guys are cool to talk to, and are totally awesome, and help bring the SV Community closer together.

Everyone that contributes here - to all those cool people that fill in forms, and keep me occupied, give me awards, let me use spoilers, and generally keep me on my toes, you rock too, muaaaahh!!

I would also like to thank all the people I talk to on AIM, Yahoo Messenger, or just generally in the clubs. I know I have forgotten to add some, and well if I did, you email me and tell me, or come tell me off on aim, cos I'm bound to listen to ya then =:)

And if you helped in any way at all, THANKS SO MUCH
