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Chapter three – Physical Endurance

Tia Ramirez was getting ready for school. “It sux, not having a car.” She kept telling herself over and over. Seriously, Andy had major issues with his parents he needed to sort out, and well, Conner was just being Conner. Maybe I should talk to Conner? Tia thought inside her head. He was, still after all, her best friend, since they were children. The physical attraction didn’t go beyond that. Well, not anymore. Tia corrected herself. Plus, he was with Alanna now. She seemed nice enough, although she was always watching what she said, and trying to act perfect. The girl just needed to relax. And as for the rest of her friends, well, where would she start. Jessica was totally happy, as always, Elizabeth was acting way too nice, she must be up to something, Tia thought, and as for the rest of them, they were just stressed out over the whole school year, and their exam marks. “What I wouldn’t give for a holiday.” Tia mumbled. Just then the phone rang. Miguel had picked it up. “Tia it’s for you.” Tia took the receiver off him. “Hello”. She said. “Hi Tia, you’re not too busy are you?” came the voice on the other line. What could Jessica want? “Tia, I won’t be able to come to school today. I’m going out of town for the day. Liz too. Coach would have us for breakfast, so can you cover for us? Came Jessica’s anxious voice.” Tia mumbled. “Sure Jess.” She said, wishing that she were the one being away from school. “Where are you going?” Tia asked. “Oh, no where major, just to Los Angeles to meet someone.” Tia frowned. What was up with Jessica? Her life just seemed to be getting better and better. Tia sighed. “Well, I’ll see you tomorrow Jess. And don’t forget the Regionals are in 8 days.” Tia twirled the cord. “Will do. See ya.” Jessica said as she hung up the phone. “Lovely, I so need to get a life.” Tia mumbled at the phone. Tia then, decided she may as well hitch a ride with Conner. After all, Alanna had her own car, just like everyone else in Sweet Valley. “Another day of school. Yippee.” Tia said as she rushed through the bushes over to Conner’s, who never left on time anyway.

Elizabeth Wakefield was getting all set to get ready for Los Angeles. This could be interesting. Last night, the twins had received a phone call, from a news reporter, wanting to do a story on them as twins. They would provide travel costs if the twins could drive themselves to Los Angeles. It was only an hour or so away, thought Elizabeth as she packed essentials. “Can you believe it Liz?” came Jessica’s excited voice. Elizabeth smiled at her happy twin. They didn’t usually skip school like this. But this was a special occasion. “Just think, us two giving a story on life as twins. They saw us in the paper from last year, we were in it quite a bit. So I’m not sure which picture it was.” Jessica was muttering. “As long as it wasn’t the cheerleading one.” Elizabeth said, remembering the time when Nancy Swanson had kidnapped the cheerleaders, they only nearly escaped. Jessica looked shocked. “You’re right. My hair was terrible that day.” Jessica said, as she smiled over at Elizabeth. “We better get going.” Elizabeth said looking at her watch. “We’d hate to be late.” Jessica smiled. “Oh Liz, we won’t be late. I’m the one driving.” Jessica said, as she held up the car keys. Elizabeth prepared herself. “Jess, I value my life, so please drive steady.” “Of course I will Liz, you’re such a party pooper.” Elizabeth groaned, as she glanced over at her sister. This would be a long long day, Elizabeth thought as she walked out the front door into the jeep.

Melissa Fox was sitting in homeroom, glancing at Jessica’s empty desk. Since when did that girl have a life? Oh well, I guess she won’t be at cheerleading then. Melissa thought as she glanced over at Will, who was at the opposite side of the room. He was acting more human lately, but Melissa didn’t want to push that luck. And then next thing I have American History with Will, Melissa thought to herself. Could be interesting, especially now that he isn’t acting so hostile. Melissa leaned back in her chair, looking up at Ms Dalton. And then at Tia. And not to mention the cheerleading Regionals. Coach would be hacked off, if Jessica didn’t show up to Cheerleading practice. Yeah, soon the tables would turn, and Melissa would have all her friends loyalty’s back, especially Cherie’s. Came a voice at the back of her head.

Jessica Wakefield grabbed a hold of her sisters arm. “Lizzie, can you belive we’re getting a document done on us. We’ll be on TV.” Jessica said as she marched up the steps toward the official looking building. When the twins got there, they saw lots of other twins. “I thought this was just us.” Jessica said as she stared around. “Jess, it’s a documentary. I guess they want to ask us all a few questions.” Elizabeth replied. “I know that Liz, but sheesh, they could have at least forewarned us.” Jessica said, not liking the spotlight being taken from her. “Oh come on Jess. I know you will find a way to get on that camera as much as you can.” Elizabeth said with a laugh. Jessica grinned wickedly. “I will won’t I, and you will be coming with me.” Elizabeth shook her head. “Come off it Jess, I’m just here to answer all the questions about you. Plus they’re offering us quite a bit of money, and all the added extras, clothing and all.” Elizabeth said. “Besides, I want to see how they do the reporting.” Elizabeth said, as she glanced out the glass window. Behind them, Elizabeth heard a ladies voice. “Okay everyone, we have a lot of make-up and design artists, to get you looking your best. You each however, will be given different settings for your interview. So that way we keep the watcher interested. Any questions? Alright good then, let’s get started.” The lady said, as she organised the twins so they all had different settings. Jessica smiled. Elizabeth smiled back. Interesting, definitely.

The cheerleaders that afternoon were in formation for another of their special cheers. Coach Laufeld was stroppy when Elizabeth and Jessica hadn’t shown up. And for that, the twins had to practice hard. Just because they had gone to Nationals last year didn’t mean that they could skip Cheerleading. Laufeld thought, as she kept giving the cheerleaders their tasks. Melissa Fox, just glanced up. This was looking interesting. Tia looked totally bored, and tired. Whereas Melissa felt great. Cherie was still acting incredibly silly, but Melissa had been nice since, and Cherie was warming over. Just like it should be, thought Melissa has she continued with her cheers, with extra bounce. She would show everyone, that she was made for the top, and that no one would bring her down.

Jessica Wakefield smiled as she was on the phone talking to Jeremy about her day’s adventures. Elizabeth just felt tired, as she collapsed on the couch. They had so many cuts, take fives, and dramas, that it wasn’t funny. However, Jessica was taking this as a star. She was so bubbly it was excruciating. “And, you know what? The lady took an instant liking to Liz and I, and she reckons we’re really cut for big time.” Elizabeth listened in. The compliments really were going to Jessica’s head. Although it was good to see her all happy again. Elizabeth wasn’t really wanting to face anyone at school. Especially Coach Laufeld whom would ache them to the bones. She could just see it.

Jessica got off the phone with Jeremy a little while later, and sat next to Liz. “Guess what Liz?” “What?”Elizabeth said too tired to move upstairs to her bedroom. “Jeremy’s coming to see us at the Regionals.” Elizabeth groaned. “They are so close.” Elizabeth said, as she slowly stood up. “I know. I’m so excited.” Jessica said as she patted her mouth with a yawn. “I think I’ll go upstairs to bed now.” She said as she started walking up the stairs. “Good idea Jess.” Elizabeth yawned behind her.

Journal entries

Jessica Wakefield
I’m gonna be a star. Yawn….A star….And I’m off to Regionals in 8 days.

Elizabeth Wakefield

Melissa Fox
I can’t stop thinking about Will. What if he won’t take me back?