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BE MINE Thanks so much Karen for posting these up! ![]() *note : click here to leave frames, and read spoilers out of frames, if you want to* Chapter One (Happy Coupleland): Evan wakes up happy until he realizes it’s Valentine’s Day. He doesn’t want to celebrate a day devoted to relationships when his parents are splitting up. He’s glad that Jade isn’t into that sort of thing. When he goes downstairs, his mom is in the kitchen humming. When she sees him she stops and asks him if he’s got plans with Jade tonight and he says that he’s probably just gong to go out with the guys. She then tells him that she has a date. When she sees his expression to her statement she asks if he wants her to cancel. Evan realizes it wouldn’t make a difference and reminds her that he won’t be there anyway. She asks him if he’s sure Jade won’t mind not celebrating Valentine’s Day and Evan says yes. He thinks about how he’s rather spend the night with Conner and Andy because they would be just as happy as him to let the holiday pass by unnoticed. Tia and Andy walk into Sweet Valley High only to find it decorated to the extreme with pink and red streamers, balloons, hearts, etc. As they walk down the hall trying to laugh about it there are couples everywhere kissing and talking about their plans for the evening. In her previous three years of high school, Tia was never without a boyfriend on Valentine’s Day. Tia realizes this is as hard on Andy as it is on her and asks him what he’s doing tonight. He says that he’s going to invite Evan and Conner over so they can just hang out and play pool. Tia says that she’ll probably spend it with Liz or be – before she can finish her sentence she sees a guy carrying a big bouquet of flowers for his girlfriend. She starts thinking about how unfair it is that Trent had feelings for Jessica and how betrayed she feels. Andy reminds her that she was talking and she finishes that she’ll either spend it with Liz or be alone. As they reach their row of lockers there are cards sticking out and the lockers are decorated. Andy tells her to try not to get too depressed today and she says the same to him. Will pulls into school and is really psyched that it’s Valentine’s Day. He feels he and Melissa have been through a lot since last year and they can really celebrate their relationship. As he walks into the school, he loves the decorations and starts thinking about how cool it is that the school goes all out for the non-school holiday. As he’s thinking he runs into his friend Matt Wells. Matt comments on the goofy grin Will has and asks him what he’s planning for the night with Melissa. Will is excited to tell someone because it feels like he’s been planning it for months. He tells him that he’s taking her to this cool restaurant called the Silver Ladle that Erika suggested they try. Erika even told him to request a corner booth. Will knows that the best seat in an trendy, expensive restaurant will really impress Melissa. Matt agrees to this but asks him if he’d rather be taking Erika than Melissa. Will turns red and Matt says he was just kidding. He wants Erika for himself. Matt starts asking Will if she has a boyfriend, etc. And although Will doesn’t think she does, he doesn’t like the idea of Matt with her. He starts thinking about how pretty she is, how cool she is, and how she knows everything to do. He also thinks about how perfect Erika is for him. Then he realizes he supposed to be focusing on Melissa, not Erika. Chapter One Ending Journal Entry: (Computer font) Dear Valentine, Valentine’s Day seemed like You know who I am, and we have a past, but I think we should have a future too. (Is that too cheesy?) I I can’t wait to find out what you think. Meet me tonight at First and Ten at 7pm. I’ll have a red rose. Love, Your Secret Admirer Ugh! Why can’t I get this right? It has to be perfect for her. I need to get it right. And fast. Chapter Two: All Bets Are Off Andy is opening his locker and thinking about how hard this day is because of everything that happened with Dave. He is reminded of everything he is missing out on. He knows that getting through the day is going to be harder than he thought. He knows he did the right thing. He struggled so much telling his parents and friends that he was gay, and he just couldn’t handle having the first guy he dated force him to keep the relationship a secret. He figures his classes will actually provide the much needed distraction for the day. He thinks about how much easier it would be if he just liked girls. As he scans the halls he can’t see a single same-sex couple. He’s the “lone token gay guy in a seal of what everyone else saw as totally normal teenage love.” As he’s thinking someone says his name behind him. As he turns around he sees Evan and Conner. He’s glad to see them because he knows that even though they both have girlfriends, they weren’t the sentimental types and would be up for ditching the hearts and flowers scene. They make fun of the decorations for awhile when Evan asks them if they want to hang out. Andy tells them that his house is open for some ping pong and pool. Evan says he’ll be there, but Conner tells them that he has plans. Andy and Evan tease him about having to do something with Alanna. Conner knows he’s busted. He’s going to see a band that Alanna wanted to see after their AA meeting. Andy tells him that if he changes his mind, his door is open. As he heads off to class he feels better knowing that he and Evan can hide out until tomorrow when the world will be normal again. As Tia reaches her locker she notices that there is a note taped to it. At first she thinks it was meant for somebody else, but then she notices her name on it. As she pulls it out she looks around that hall for Andy or somebody, thinking it must be some kind of joke. Just at that moment, Andy turns the corner. He sees her and starts to tell her about his plans with Evan when he sees the note. He asks her what it is and she asks him if it’s some kind of joke, like a fake valentine. He tells her he wouldn’t be that cruel and tells her to open it. Curiosity gets the best of her and she opens it. It says: “It’s Valentine’s Day, A day to forgive and forget and find romance. I’d love another chance with you, Tia. You’re worth more than you know to me.” There is no signature and it’s typed so she cant’ tell anything about the handwriting. Andy thinks its from Trent and tells Tia she should give him another chance. Once again Tia is reminded of how much he hurt her. She thinks about how she made it clear that he doesn’t get another chance and tells Andy that he can send all the cards he wants but she isn’t changing her mind. Andy points out that it was pretty romantic of Trent to go all the way over from another school just to tape the note on her locker. Tia smiles at the thought and silently agrees with this but then tells herself that she doesn’t want romance right now. She throws the note at Andy and tells him that he’s supposed to be complaining about the holiday with her, not supporting her ex-boyfriend. Andy simply tells her that we all make mistakes and heads to class. As Evan walks down the hall he feels sorry for all the people who are getting into this whole Valentine’s Day thing. He knows that love doesn’t last and feels sorry for all of those who think it does. He knows that these high school relationships aren’t going to last forever. He’s glad that he’s going over to Andy’s tonight. Not just because it will give him a place to go and forget about Valentine’s or his parents divorce, but because he won’t have to be at home when Mr. Niles comes to pick up his mom. He thinks there should be a holiday for people with broken hearts like his dad. Not for people who are in love, they don’t need anymore reason to celebrate. As he turns the corner he sees Jade at her locker. He loves the way she looks and how she has the perfect athletic figure. He notices that she’s wearing a knee length red skirt and a pink t-shirt. When he sees this and looks at the decorations surrounding him, he realizes she is wearing Valentine’s Day colors and frowns. He thinks maybe its just a coincidence. Just as he’s about to walk over the girl next to Jade gets a candy gram from Student Council. The girl flips out and starts squealing. Evan is relieved that he’s dating a girl who isn’t such a girly-girl, but when he looks over at Jade she has a wistful expression on her face. Evan realizes that Jade wanted a big meaningful celebration today. He realizes that she probably just said she didn’t because she knew that he was hurting. Evan feels a stab of guilt and turns away in a hurry unable to deal with it. As Maria walks to her homeroom she sadly thinks about the pact she made with Ken about Valentine’s Day. She knows that their relationship is strong and they don’t need to play up to the holiday, but still regrets the pact. Since both her and Ken were broke they decided not to do the presents thing. Instead, later that night, they were going to have a picnic on the beach and each contributes ten dollars to the food. Still, it would be nice to have a present or surprise waiting for her. As she’s thinking a friend, Kristin and her boyfriend Gene call Happy Valentine’s Day. Kristin is excited and tells Maria that Valentine’s Day is the best. She says that she knows Maria understands because she has Ken. Maria tells her that her and Ken aren’t celebrating V-Day this year and Kristin is shocked. When Maria walks into her classroom, she sees her desk and gasps. There is a huge bouquet of flowers on her desk in a glass vase. There are red and pink roses, lilies, and greens spilling over the sides. She realizes that this must have cost Ken a small fortune. Ken had left things on her desk before such as candy and notes, but nothing like this. She can’t help smiling and realizes that Ken knows her so well that he could see through her claim about not wanting anything. A girl next to her, Lisa, comments about how nice they are and tells Maria that she better have something nice for Ken in return. This comment sends Maria into a panic. She really is broke and she doesn’t know what to get him. Chapter Two Ending Journal Entry: Will Simmons Melissa, I know we’ve been through a lot this year, which is why this Valentine’s Day is so special. I can’t wait for all the Valentine’s Days we’ll have together in the future. I hope you like what I have planned for tonight. Wear something nice and I’ll pick you up at seven. Love, Will Chapter Three: The Valentine Scoreboard While Jade sits through History she starts thinking about how if she sees one more bouquet of flowers she thinks she’s going to scream. She can’t believe Evan didn’t even stop by to say hello to her before classes started. She knows he’s been distracted lately and that things have been rough for him but she can’t believe he’d forgotten Valentine’s Day. She needs Evan to do something for her, big or small. This is the most important day for couples. Guys and Girls. The thought of this makes Jade realize that she hadn’t planned anything for Evan. She figures that if she gets into the holiday spirit, he’s bound to come around. However, she can’t think of anything to do for him. She also knows that she needs to be careful because of Evan’s parents. Then Jessica walks in and Jade decides to ask her for some advice. She knows that Jessica knows Evan pretty well. Jessica sympathizes; she knows its bad timing for him to have a big romantic holiday. She can’t believe Evan’s parents are splitting, they always seemed so perfect. When Jade asks her for advice, Jessica tells her to keep it low key like her and Jeremy. Tonight they are going to an arcade in Big Mesa. Definitely not the Fantasy Island Fun House, that place is pretty much forever out since the bday party. Jade feels a twinge of jealousy and wonders if they’ll ever be as solid a couple as Jessica and Jeremy. Maria is still wondering what she is going to do for Ken. Everyone keeps telling her how nice the flowers have been and she’s feeling more and more guilty for not getting him anything. She knows that Ken obviously went out of his way to make sure she got the flowers first thing. As she’s thinking, she starts to listen to the conversation of a couple of guys behind her. John and Brian are talking about tickets that John can’t use that he can’t get rid of. Maria listens and they are to a concert by The Friction. Maria shoots up in her seat because Ken loves The Friction. She turns around and tells them that she’d be willing to buy them as a V-Day gift for Ken. Turns out their $75 each but John will give them both to her for $100. She takes him and promises to pay him for them tomorrow. Brian mentions how Ken is in his calc class and Maria asks him to deliver them with a note she attaches to the gift. Will is at his locker trying to convince himself that it’s Melissa he wants and not Erika. He reaches into his locker and pulls out an expensive box of chocolates that he bought for Melissa just in case he sees her on his way to his next class. As he turns around to go look for her, he nearly runs into somebody. Turns out she was patiently waiting for him right next to him. He tells her “Happy Valentine’s Day” and wonders how he could have ever thought about Erika. It is Melissa he loves. They fit so perfectly together. He asks her if she’s excited about his plans for the night when she gets a guilty look on her face. She tells him that she can’t make it and asks him if they can celebrate over the weekend. Will can’t believe it and starts thinking about all the plans he made for the evening. How could she do this to him? He realizes that she probably has an explanation and takes a deep breath before he explodes in the middle of the hallway. She tells him she has this family thing with her Uncle Phil who lives in France. He’s in town for the night and dhse has to go to dinner with him and the family. She was told about it a couple of weeks ago, but she forgot until they said something to her earlier today. Will just looks at Melissa in horror. Not only is she dumping him on V-Day for a family thing she’d known about for weeks, but she didn’t even seem sorry about it. She just gave him her fake-guilty face. He clenched his fists at his side while his face burned. He opened his mouth to speak when Cherie came around calling Melissa to go to class. As Cherie drags Melissa off she just tells Will she’ll see him later. Will stands there, stunned. He can’t believe she’s not putting him first, and on Valentine’s Day. He had the whole thing planned and now it’s a waste. If he would have cancelled their date he’d never hear the end of it and he would be forced to make up for it for weeks. He couldn’t believe what she was doing to him. As he walked to class he passed a trash can and threw the box of chocolates away. He wasted more time and money on this night than he cared to think about. And what for? Nothing. Chapter Three Ending Journal: Jeremy Aames Dear Jess, This is the happiest Valentine’s Day I’ve ever had. Actually, every day I’m with you is the best – yeah, I know, the cheese-o-meter is going off. Sorry, but it’s true. We’ve been through a lot, and we’ve both done some stupid stuff, but we’re still together – because we’re right for each other. I hope that never changes. Happy Valentine’s Day. Love, Jeremy Small part of Chapter Three: Don’t back down now, he thought as he watched the girl open her locker door and take some books out form inside. Everything about her was so amazing. The way she casually brushed her hari out of her face, the way she smiled at everyone who waked be her, even people she didn’t know that well. He missed that smile. He hadn’t realized how much until recently. Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to get her back. It was corny, but it gave him a good excuse to just pop in out of the blue. Maybe taking her by surprise would help ease some of the awkwardness too. After all, it had been so long since they were together. But she’d had so much going on since then, and so had he. It wasn’t like he sat around pining for her. He’d dated a few girls- even had one pretty serious girlfriend last summer. But somehow none of them had measured up. The big question on his mind was, Would it be as perfect as it had been before? He was pretty sure that the answer was yes. And he was certainly ready to find out. He shot one last glance at her locker, then turned to heat off to class. He was going to have to get back to work on that card for her. Chapter Four: The Secret Plan Tia and Jessica are walking down the hall together. Jessica finds it incredibly romantic that Trent came to SVH and left the note on Tia’s locker. Jessica tells Tia to admit it. She’s at least a little impressed by it and him. Tia hears the hope in Jessica’s voice and knows that Jessica, more than anybody, wants Tia and Trent to get back together. She knows that Jessica still feels guilty for what happened, even though it really wasn’t her fault. She probably figures that if Tia and Trent get back together, she can stop feeling guilty. But no matter what the reasons, Tia wasn’t going to get back together with him. If he’d been tempted to stray once, he’d probably get interested in another girl if they got back together. Besides, she has absolutely no proof that Trent is her secret admirer, even though he is the most likely person. Tia tells Jessica this and Jessica asks her who else could it be? It has to be Trent. Tia admits this is true and as they continue down the hall a voice calls after them. It’s a sophomore from the debate team and she tells Tia that she has delivery in the front office. Tia’s heart skips a beat at the though that it might be something else from Trent. She quickly shakes the feeling and tells herself that she doesn’t want anything from him. Tia tells the sophomore she’ll check it out and the girl leaves. Jessica takes her by the arm and tells her they are going to see what she got. On their way, Tia keeps telling herself that it doesn’t matter if it’s from Trent. It doesn’t change anything. But then why is she hoping it’s from him? As she come in she tells the receptionist that she has a delivery for Tia Ramirez. The woman breathes in sharply and smiles. She tells Tia that they were just about to make an announcement. It’s a glass vase tied with at pink ribbon. Inside there are six red roses and ivy. A card is taped to the vase. As Tia walks towards the flowers, she bites her lip. They are so beautiful, are they really from Trent? She opens the card that reads, “Are you convened that we belong together yet? Love, Your Hopeful Valentine” Tia can’t believe it. She knows that flowers like these are really expensive. After reading the card Jessica asks if Tia is going to forgive Trent. When Tia doesn’t respond Jessica points out that he is trying really hard with the card and the flowers. She is very anxious for Tia to just give in. But Tia thinks its too little too late. She still has her pride. She tries to give the flowers to Jessica but she won’t take them. Jessica starts asking her why she wont give him another chance when Tia is saved by the bell. On her way out of the office she leaves the flowers at the desk. Chapter Four: Part Two of Three As Ken heads to calculus he starts thinking about the incredible picnic he has planned with Maria tonight. He was in charge of dessert and drinks. He got sparkling cider and some chocolate covered strawberries. He hope she likes them and is impressed. They were planning on taking a blanket to their favorite spot on the beach. If it was a clear night ,they’d be able to see the moon reflect on the water. Total romance. The perfect place to be alone. As he’s thinking, Brian walks over to him calling his name. He hands Ken the note from Maria. Ken grins sheepishly, he loves Maria’s notes and it was a nice idea to have someone deliver her valentine to him. He’d been missing her all day and hadn’t even gotten the chance to wish her a happy valentine’s day yet. He had a card for her that was still in his locker. As he opens the note, two small pieces of paper fell on to the floor. He leaned over to pick them up and almost started choking when he was what they were. When he noticed that they were floor seats, he knew they must have cost some serious money. He looked at Maria’s note quickly looking for an explanation. All it said was that she knew he wouldn’t let the day go without giving her a gift of some sort so that here was hers to him. He couldn’t believe she had sprung for the tickets after they agreed not to spend any money on each other. He was psyched to see the Friction and all, but what was she doing? Not only that, but she expected a nice gift in return as hinted in her note. What was he going to do? As he looked at his watch he figured he could hit the mall and pick up those earring they saw that Maria really liked. They were pricey, but what could he do? He couldn’t disappoint Maria, not on Valentine’s Day. As he looked at the tickets he thought how it was the nicest present he’d ever received. He’d have to do the same for her and buy her something she’d never forget. He was going to pull out all the stops. Chapter Four: Part Three Melissa smiled to herself. This was going to be one of the best tricks she’d ever pulled off. She really was an amazing actress, telling Will that she was busy tonight. He’d definitely been convinced by her performance. Before Cherie had pulled her away, she’d been tempted to tell Will that she was kidding and she couldn’t wait for tonight. She just couldn’t take the disappointed glint in his eyes, but she’s glad she didn’t. She had her own plans for tonight, and they included a big surprise for Will. It was hard sitting through class imagining how the night was going to be. She couldn’t wait to brag to her friends about what she had planned. She hurried to her locker where she knew they would all be. As she got there Amy asked her if she was finally going to tell them what she had planned for Will. Melissa just shook her head and asked them what they had planned. Save the best for last. After they all tell her, Melissa informs them that she told Will she was busy tonight so he had to cancel whatever he had planned. Then she is going to surprise him at his internship instead and take him to a very special dinner. She’s doing it so Will knows that she can make an effort too. And once he finds out what she’s done for him, he’ll be very grateful. Now she has the chance to see the Tribune office and remind Will how much more important their relationship was than some silly newspaper job. She’d stand out there and remind him that she was top priority. Chapter Four Ending Journal Jessica Wakefield Dear Jeremy, Happy Valentine’s Day! Are you ready for a night of fun? I know this night will be perfect, just like all our time together. I’m so happy that you’re my valentine! XO Jess Chapter Five: No Turning Back Now Finally, lunchtime. Andy thinks to himself as he walks out of his class room and heads toward his locker. The one period of the day when he will be able to separate himself from the rest of the student body. He could just hang out and not think about what day it was.. or about Dave. As he walked to his locker he passed by the windows that looked out onto the quad. All the guys and girls looked like they were in some kind of video for a love song. Holding hands and eating lunch together. Eww. He knew the cafeteria would be no different. There didn’t seem to be one single spot he could go were he could wallow in his misery. Andy decides that its time to get out of SVH all together. He grabs his books and heads out to his car. He has no idea where he’s going, but as long as its not SVH, he doesn’t care. He starts singing along to an angry rock song and thinking about how unfair it is that he fell for Dave. It was obvious that not upsetting his father was more important to Dave than a relationship with Andy. His mind is wandering when a blue Corolla cuts him off and forces Andy back to reality. Andy looks around and realizes that he has just driven across town. He looks around and sees an old park where his parents used to take him as a kid. He remembers a group of park benches near the entrance and decides to stop and eat there. As he heads in he notices a guy in a hooded sweatshirt sitting at the bench. He almost turns away but then decides that it’s a free country and he can enjoy his lunch there, even if he’s not alone. He walks slowly around trying to get to a bench without having to say Hello to the guy. But as he is walking the guy turns around and looks at him. Andy goes weak in the knees because he realizes… it’s Dave. He squints to make sure it really is and it is. Dave sees Andy too. There’s no turning back now. Chapter Five Part Two Jessica, Elizabeth, and Tia are at lunch. Jessica can’t believe Tia left the gorgeous flowers at the receptionist desk and Elizabeth agrees. This surprises Tia because Elizabeth has been burned left and right all year. Tia would have though that Elizabeth most of all would get why she couldn’t forgive Trent. Tia tells them that if she kept them it would be like she was giving Trent another chance, and she isn’t. It was getting weird how personally Jessica was taking the whole thing, but she had to get it through her head that Tia and Trent were over. Elizabeth tells Tia to watch out because it looks like Trent is sending strike three. Tia turns around to find out what she means when she sees a student council member coming towards her with a candygram. It’s another El Carro transfer, Jen Lynch. She pulls out a red box, bag of kisses, and a pink card and hands it to Tia. As Jessica eyes the candygram she makes a comment how he just doesn’t give up. Elizabeth then points out that he should get points for persistence. Tia opens the card which reads “From someone who had to get a little help to send this to you” Tia’s jaw drops as she looks at her friends. She demands if they had anything to do with it. Their eyes get big, but they don’t say anything. Tia should have known that they were in on it. Only SVH students are allowed to sign up for candygrams. They had both gone behind her back. She couldn’t believe it. Tia ordered Jessica to spill and Elizabeth jumped in, obviously covering for her sister. She asks Tia if it’s so wrong to want her and Trent to give it another try. Tia can’t believe it. They can’t be serious? Did it occur to them that she didn’t want to give Trent another try? She tried to keep calm as the color started rising to her cheeks. “It’s not persistence, it’s arrogance!” She said trying not to raise her voice. At this she stoop up and pushed back from her chair. She didn’t know why she was reacting so strongly to this. She too thought it was pretty sweet, but it was the fact that no one, not her ex-boyfriend or her two closest friends took her seriously. She was not going to forgive him for cheating on her – with her best friend nonetheless. She almost nodded in agreement with herself when she noticed Elizabeth and Jessica watching her to see what she was going to do next. She had to fight the urge to go straight to Big Mesa and run straight into Trent’s arms. Jessica asked her if she was okay and then Tia made a decision. She decided to go to Big Mesa. Not to stage a tearful reunion, but to tell Trent to stop sending her gifts. She tells them that she’s going to Big Mesa to tell Trent to stop wasting time and money when Jessica tells her she can’t. Her eyes are wide with panic as she tells Tia she can’t go there. Tia ignores her though. She has to go before she loses her nerve. Chapter Five Part Three Jade and Evan are sitting at lunch. She’s looking over at Evan but his attention is being held by a food pyramid poster. She tries to get his attention by sighing loudly but when he doesn’t notice she tells him that she wonders what food group hummus belongs to. Evan turns to her and asks her if she said something. She feels like she is going to scream. Most boyfriends-the ones who actually wanted to stay with their girlfriends, at least-were making a big deal out of this day. Was it so much to expect a little something from her own boyfriend? She knew he’d been going through a lot lately with his parents, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t let himself enjoy their relationship. And things had been going so well. For the first time in her life, Jade had a reason to be grateful for having lived through her parents divorce. It made it easy to talk to Evan about his experience. But today he wasn’t talking. It was like she wasn’t even there. The last five minutes of the conversation had been painful. She needed to break the silence so she cleared her throat. Evan snapped back to earth. “Need some water?” She shook her head and welcomed him back to earth. She couldn’t help smiling in spite of herself, it was hard to stay mad at him. He smiled back and her heart melted. She asked him if he wanted a fry, it should have snapped Evan out of his funk, French fries were his absolute favorite, but he just shook his head. His eyes wandered back to the poster and Jade knew that if she wanted any sort of Valentine’s day plan, she’d have to read his mood. So, desperate, she asked him how his classes were going. Evan started talking about his Spanish class. As he went on and on about his Spanish troubles Jade realized that he wasn’t avoiding just any conversation, he was just avoiding Valentine’s conversation. Jade felt crushed and blinked back tears. Did he realize how disappointed she was? If he did, he obviously didn’t care. She didn’t listen to what he was saying about his classes. She just wanted to be a million miles away. Chapter Five Part Four “What are you doing here?” Andy asked Dave in disbelief. Dave just glanced at Andy and it hit Andy how sad Dave looked. He paused before answering Andy and his silence felt like an eternity. Andy nearly turned around and walked away. Dave answered that he comes there to think. When he pulled his hood away Andy noticed the dark circles under his eyes. Dave continued on. He told Andy how he’s been doing a lot of thinking lately. He knew today would be hard, but he didn’t know it would be this hard. He just wishes he could go back to liking girls. Andy felt his heart squeeze in sympathy. He once felt exactly the same way. Was Dave here thinking about telling his dad the truth? Maybe there was hope for this day after all. Dave asked Andy what he was doing there and Andy replied that it was pretty much the same. Dave motioned for Andy to come sit by him and asked him if it was valentine overload at his school too. Andy replied that it was and noticed that Dave seemed to be concentrating on a group of high school kids that Andy didn’t recognize that were walking by, laughing. As Andy felt Dave’s gaze move toward him he felt a real connection with him. Their eyes locked and Andy took a deep breath. He wasn’t imagining this. He knew that Dave was struggling. Maybe he needed to help him through this time rather than turn away. Dave smiled at him, “This isn’t an easy holiday for guys like us, huh?” Andy admitted that it wasn’t and they both laughed. Neither one of them said a word, but it was easy, comfortable silence. Andy felt closer to Dave then ever, maybe they still had a chance. “I’m glad you’re here.” Dave told Andy. Me too, he answered as his heart rate shot up. The same group of kids walked by again, this time closer to Andy and Dave. They were also looking at them. Dave grew quiet, pulled his hood on again, and moved further away from Andy on the bench. Andy realized that Dave didn’t want to be seen with him in front of the kids he obviously knew. Just then Dave scanned the park and told Andy that he had to be getting back. Andy told him not to bother, he was just leaving anyway. As Andy said See ya he walked away making sure not to look back. He hoped that he got his message across. He was fully aware of how uncomfortable being seen with Andy made Dave feel. This had to be the worst Valentine’s Day in the history of the world. Chapter Five Ending Journal Entry (Computer Font) Dear Valentine, Roses are red, Violets are blue, Meet me at First and Ten tonight at six. I’ll have a red rose. Love, Your Secret Admirer It’s too much. I’m going to scare her off. Ugh-this is driving me crazy. Jade Wu Dear Evan, Happy Valentine's Day! I know that this is an especially hard thing for you to celebrate right now, but I wanted you to know that I'm here for you and I know that youll get through this. We can get through it together, okay? All relationships have their ups and downs, but we can focus on the ups in ours. Starting with, will you be my valentine? Love, Jade What's the point of even giving this to him? Maybe I should just rip it up and throw it away. It's not like I'll be getting one from him. Chapter Six: A Low-Key Holiday Tia hurried down the hall finally understanding everything that had been happening lately and why Jessica had been so intent on getting her and Trent back together. She couldn’t believe she’d been helping him all along, just like when they were planning Jeremy’s birthday party. The whole thing made her want to scream. The girl has some nerve. She probably thought she was doing her a favor, but all Tia wanted her to do was stay as far away from Trent as possible. As she was walking down the hall Jessica called after her telling her to stop. It was tempting to keep on walking, but she knew Jessica wouldn’t let her get away. Jessica caught up to her, breathless, and obviously upset. Her shoulders were slumped and her lips trembling. In fact, she almost looked… scared. Jessica blurted out that Trent didn’t send her any of those things. She admits that she sent them all. The card, the flowers, and the candygram. She wanted to help Tia and Trent get back together. Tia knew she should be furious. This was ten times worse than Jessica helping Trent. But instead, she felt defeated. A wave of disappointment came over her. For awhile it seemed like Trent was trying so hard to get them back together, and now it looked like he had given up after all. It was one of the most pitiful and embarrassing things that could have ever happened to Tia. Jessica and Elizabeth stood before her their eyes full of concern. Part of her wanted them to fuss over her, the other wanted to kick Jessica into the next town. She couldn’t let Jessica see her disappointment. Her anger returned and her eyes flashed. Before she could say anything, Elizabeth jumped in ready to defend Jessica. She pointed out that Jessica was only trying to help. The halls started to fill with students. This was the worst Valentine’s Day ever. Chapter Six: Part Two The Secret Admirer stood watching the three of them in the hallway. He wondered what they could be arguing about. She seemed so upset. He just wished he could go over there and put his arms around her. Hopefully his note would cheer her up. He wanted it to be perfect before he gave it to her. He had always been a good writer, but that talent wasn’t helping him now. He wanted to knock her off her feet. As he watched the three of them go in different directions he rushed off to class to finish that note. He had to finish it and find a way to get it to her before the end of the day. As Maria headed to her locker she relaxed. Ken had gotten his tickets by now so she could relax and enjoy her flowers. She had a seriously amazing boyfriend who went out of his way to get her a great gift. As she opened her locker door she grabbed her books but her attention was caught by a little box with a bow around it. Only one other person knew the combination to her locker. She took the box out of her locker and it was from the Jeweler’s Box, her favorite jewelry store in the mall. It was more romantic than flowers, and definitely more expensive. As she opened the box she couldn’t help but smile. They were the earrings she saw in the mall and loved. If she remembered correctly, they were almost a hundred dollars too. She needed to get Ken something else. Just then Jessica turned the hall. It was a perfect solution. Jessica was the expert on anything boyfriend related. Together they decided that the earrings were equal to the tickets, and a balloon bouquet would be equal to the flowers. So Maria called the flower place. Chapter Six: Ending Journal Entry Maria Slater How to Make Back All the Money I’ve Spent on Ken Today 1.Baby-sit the awful Snyder twins every weekend for the rest of the school year 2.Sell my old doll collection (Packed up in boxes somewhere in the attic) 3.Beg Mom and Dad 4.Sell a vital organ Chapter Seven: First and Ten at Six A couple more classes to go. Jade couldn’t wait for it to all be over. Running into people who had great plans for the night didn’t help the situations either. Jade was so sick of Valentine’s Day. She just wanted to run out of her red and pink decorated school and never come back. She didn’t want to think about it anymore. Not with a boyfriend who didn’t seem to care about it-or her. Ken couldn’t believe that he was sitting in his last class of the day and he hadn’t seen Maria yet. He couldn’t believe he wiped out his savings on her but it was worth it. It was for Maria. He could earn back the money this summer. They would have so much fun this evening. They could walk along the shore, eat good food, kiss some more. Ken snapped out of his daydream when there was a knock on the classroom door. A bouquet of balloons were brought into the classroom. The aide announced it was for Ken Matthews and the class started laughing. He couldn’t understand what was so funny until he saw the balloons. It was a bouquet of It’s a Girl balloons. He read he card – Happy Valentine’s Day! Love, Maria. The gesture was sweet, even if the balloons were a mix-up. But now Maria had given him two gifts. He was behind again. This Valentine’s Day was breaking him. Elizabeth headed to her locker after her last class. She was so glad this day was over. Between not having a boyfriend and getting caught up in the whole Jessica, Tia, Trent thing, she had enough of V-Day. Why did Jessica have to stick her nose in Tia’s business? She opened her locker, but before she could give it anymore thought, a piece of paper fluttered to the ground. She leaned forward to pick it up, and as she opened the folded paper, her eyes grew wider. Was this for her? Yes, her name was on the top. Who was it from? The note said tht he and Elizabeth had a past and a future… She tried to continue reading but the excitement was making her feel light-headed and a little dizzy. Meet me at First and Ten tonight at 6pm. I’ll be carrying a red rose. She had to reread that line three times. What if it was all a big joke? What if it was somebody she didn’t want to see? After pondering all these questions Elizabeth realized that she had to go for herself. What did she have to lose? Jade came home to find her mom already there. Her mom explained to her that her boss was in the holiday spirit and let them all go home early. Just the thought that her mom’s scrooge boss was more into the day than her own boyfriend made the tears well up again. Jade’s mom asked if the fact that she wasn’t out with Evan right now had anything to do with the tears and Jade started to cry. Her mom asked what was wrong and Jade explained that Evan didn’t even wish her a Happy Valentine’s Day. Her mom comforted her then told her a story about when she was five years old and found out that there was no Easter Bunny. She told her parents to not give her any basket because it was all a lie, but when she woke up in the morning and there was no basket, she was really upset. She tried her best to hide it but couldn’t. Her mom helped Jade to realize that Evan is going through a hard time and that Jade should initiate the holiday. Jade decided to do something nice for Evan Chapter Seven Ending Journal Entries: Alanna Feldman Conner, Happy first Valentine’s Day! Who’d have thought we’d make it this far? (Just kidding.) I can’t tell you how happy I am that we’re together. I know there’ll be more, but this one is special – just like you. Thanks for helping me turn my life around. Can’t wait to see you tonight. XXXX OOOO Alanna Conner McDermott Hey, Alanna, Have a good one- Chapter Eight: From Another Galaxy As Tia headed home she thought about how depressing her Valentine’s Day had been. The worst part was that she had felt extremely disappointed when she found out the valentines weren’t from Trent. She grabbed her keys when she heard a voice calling her. She turned around to see Jessica. Not the person she wanted to see right now, but she couldn’t ignore her. Tia explains to Jessica that the reason she is so upset is because Jessica wasn’t paying any attention to the fact that Tia didn’t want to get back together with Trent. In fact, Tia didn’t think she was doing it for Tia at all. Tia tells Jessica that she inadvertently did it for herself so she could stop feeling bad about it. Jessica says that it isn’t true. She just wanted to make Tia realize how much she wanted Trent back. The look on her face tells Jessica that Tia does in fact want Trent back. Tia tells Jessica that she should be getting ready for her date but Jessica refuses to leave until Tia forgives her. Tia does forgive her and as she pulls out of the parking lot she realizes it is her first official Valentine’s Day alone. Will had been working at the Tribune for hours but he couldn’t concentrate. All day he had expected Melissa to tell him she was just kidding, but he realized now she was serious. Erika poked her head around the corner and asked him how he was. He told her how Melissa cancelled on him for a family thing. She can’t believe that. She tells him that he is an incredible guy who deserves more. Mr. Matthews comes around and asks them what they’re plans are for the evening. After he tells them he is surprised because he thought they’d be spending the evening together. Erika makes some comment about how technically they are because neither one of them is doing anything else. This gives Will a big ego boost. Andy can’t believe the awful day he had. On top of the C on the history quiz and getting in trouble for parking in a teacher space, he had to deal with the whole Dan thing. Then Evan gets there. They eat chips and dip and start they’re sports challenge. Andy starts thinking about how next year they’ll be in college and won’t be able to spend time together like this. He forces himself to stop thinking about it and decides to have fun. They pig out on chips and start to play pool when the doorbell rings. Andy goes to get it expecting it to be Conner whose changed his mind, but its Dave. He is stunned. Dave says hi to Evan and Evan makes an excuse to leave. Andy invites Dave in, unsure if he really wants to talk to him. Dave agrees and walks in. Chapter Eight Ending Journal Entry Jade Wu Possible Valentine’s Day Gifts for Evan 1.A dartboard (not very romantic, but something he’d like) 2.A reconciliation for his parents (not at all possible in the real world but something he’d love) 3.A book on how to be a more thoughtful boyfriend Chapter Nine: Definitely Looking Up Ken gets to Maria’s house early so he can apologize for the misunderstanding. Clearly he missed something. Plus, Maria had been way more generous in her gift giving then he had been. Even if the balloons were extremely embarrassing. His face got red just thinking about it. Even though the day stressed him out completely, he was also touched at how thoughtful she was. She was really amazing, even if it was breaking the bank in the process. He reached for the bouquet of tulips and sunflowers he picked from the florist on the way. When he rang the doorbell Maria answered and asked if she got the time wrong. He told her that he was early and thanked her for all the gifts she had given him. Before she could thank her he whipped the flowers out from behind his back and gave them to her. She looked surprised and told him that she liked them, but two bouquets and the earrings were too much. He told her that he didn’t get her a bouquet of flowers that morning and together they figured out that they were meant for the girl, Lisa, that had been sitting next to her in homeroom. They started laughing about the huge misunderstanding that happened. Even though they had spent a lot of money though, they both agreed it was worth it. Andy wonders what Dave has to say and offers him something to drink. Dave declines and asks if he can speak to Andy somewhere private. First he apologizes for what happened earlier in the park. He admits that he knew who the high school kids were and that he was embarrassed to be seen there with someone he cares about. He then tells him that it is not the real reason he is there. He tells Andy that he promises to tell his dad about being gay this weekend. He wants to be with Andy. He really cares about him. Andy decides that this could be the best Valentine’s day ever. Evan picks up the remote and starts watching TV. Although his night is completely ruined, he’s happy for Andy. He hopes things work out with Dave. As he sits there alone he becomes depressed. He didn’t think the holiday spirit had gotten to him, but he finds himself missing Jade. So instead he orders a pizza and raids his mom’s movie collection. As he settles for a documentary, the doorbell rings. He figures it’s the pizza guy and reaches for his wallet, but when he opens the door he is shocked to see Jade. She tells him Happy Valentines Day and is holding a brown bag from his favorite food store. He says it back and can’t believe how happy he is to see her. But then he feels a stab of guilt because of the way he had treated her that day at school. She apologizes for not calling first and Evan sees a nervous glint in her eyes. He can’t believe what a jerk he his. His own girlfriend is afraid to celebrate V-Day with him. He tells her that he’s glad she’s there and she starts to take things out of the bag. It’s a whole bunch of health food stuff that Evan really likes. She explains that she knows its been hard but that it didn’t seem right to not celebrate with him tonight. She asks him if that’s okay and he just stares at her. She starts to pack everything up when Evan stops her. He tells her that it’s perfect and that She is perfect. He realizes that the only place he wants to be tonight is with Jade. Chapter Nine Ending Journal Entry: Ken Matthews Dear Maria, I’m so happy that we’re together for Valentine’s Day. I know this will be the best one ever because I’ve realized that with our without gifts, I love being with you. You make me happier than anyone else ever could. Happy Valentine’s Day! Love, Ken Chapter Ten: A Double Blow Will stares at the clock. For weeks he had been planning this night but it wasn’t turning out to be anything like he’d planned. Thoughts of both Erika and Melissa played in his mind. Erika was making it more and more obvious that she was into him. It made him feel good, very good. At this thought he sighed and Erika stuck her head around to look at him. They had been doing the flirting talking thing all night. She was beautiful and she was into sports. Could she be more perfect? They start talking and discover they even have the same birthday. As they head out Will asks her if she’d get something to eat with him on the way home. Coincidences of all coincidences, they are both in the mood for pizza. After they decide this Erika drops some of her papers. They both reach down to pick them up and next thing they know, they start kissing. He wanted to pull away, but he can’t. Instead, he kisses her back. Tia had been at HOJ for hours. Finally it was time to go home. As she reached pulled into her driveway she reached for her keys. She had to remember to put them on the same ring as her car keys. As she finds them she looks up and gasps in surprise. Trent is standing on her front porch with a bouquet of flowers. Not only that, but her porch is decked out in red and pink streamers. Trent asks her if its okay that he’s there and she nods. He then says that he knows it’s kind of goofy but Tia interrupts and tells him that it is sweet. He then starts to kiss her and Tia feels better than she had in a long time. Elizabeth had rushed home after school in a daze. She spent the hours with Jessica talking about who it could be and what to wear. When she finally arrived she walked in and scanned the place. Nobody looked like they were waiting for anybody, maybe it was a joke after all. She started to blush and tears welled up in her eyes. Nobody wanted her. Just then somebody called her name. She turned around in the direction it was coming from and her breath caught in her throat when she saw him. She wasn’t expecting him. He looked better than she’d remembered. “You’re my secret admirer!” She broke out into a huge smile. Melissa walked into the Tribune office. She was a little late since she had to wrap Will’s gift – a greatest hits cd by his favorite band. She found the sports department and the door was already ajar so she didn’t bother knocking. Besides, her plan was to yell Surprise so Will could run into her arms. She had been envisioning it all day. She pushed open the door and stood there, horrified. This couldn’t be real. That couldn’t be Will, her Will, kissing another girl. As she got a good look at the girl she realized that it wasn’t just another girl. Will was kissing Erika Brooks Ending Journals Will Simmons 6:05pm Mmmmm. No, I shouldn’t be doing th-mmm. Melissa Fox 6:05pm Turn around, Will. Come on, do it. I want to know exactly what you have to say when you see me standing here. And it had better be good. Elizabeth Wakefield 6:12pm I never thought Valentine’s Day could be this perfect. To think, after all this time the greatest guy was right under my nose. And now we have a second chance. |